Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Texas...and not wanting to go there.

So yea.

On Friday I leave to do random training for a week in Texas. Not too thrilled about that, but whatever. The thing that bugs me about that mess is that the powers that be down there are being hyper-obsessive about keeping accountability of everyone that's going down there. They send e-mails at 2330 and expect us to respond to them by 1500 the next day and God help you if you weren't checking your e-mail twice an hour. Is it just me or was this mess supposed to stop after I got out of TRADOC? Of all the other things they could be worrying about, they're going to check up on us every step of our getting down there? Why don't they just save themselves the trouble and buy everyone tickets and hotel rooms, etc.?

So yea...

Definitely didn't want to go back there but I'll live... Got three days where I'll be staying in a hotel...that'll be better, I think. But then we stay in HUTMETS, whatever those are...they said that it was some kind of temporary living quarters. I'm picturing it being FTX week again -.-
At GAFB they said the final FTX there was gonna be the easiest one we ever yea...gogo week of hell! lol...I'll post something about it when I have an opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Miss you :(
    HUTMETS makes me think of like little Indian Huts combined with a New York Mets decor. If you have no air conditioning then I'm so sorry! That would suck. x.x
