Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Motivated. Kinda.

Well the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm NDA has been lifted due to the start of the closed Beta, so screenshots and info are all over the place online. Now I'm just waiting for a Beta key... With whom must I sleep; to whom must a pray, that I may be graced with such a glorious gift? Seriously. It's exciting.

Talked with my neighbors for several hours today about The Nature of Humanity, as will be the title of my book when and if I ever have enough material that it'd be worth publishing. I was really surprised that they didn't shut me down at all when I was talking. Whenever you know you have something controversial to say, you brace yourself for how it'll be received. I've always thought they were so deep in their Baptist dogma, but it was actually a very good discussion. What was even more surprising was the extent that they agreed with me. I'll probably want to remember them as my book goes through different stages of completion, although I'd also like to find someone that more strongly disagrees with me.

As a side note (because I'm not really sure what else to say but I feel like there should be *something*), I've randomly just started listening to Sacha Sacket a lot. His music is really moving. I'm not exactly sure what it is about it, but lately I just can't get him out of my mind... Pretty sure he's going to be my favorite for July. Maybe that's something I could talk about in this blog... my monthly favorite bands... mahaps, mahaps...

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